Welcome to Login IT Academy

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World Class Training Delivered. Everytime.

Course Date Timing Duration Faculty Register
Manual Testing + Core Java + Selenium + FrameWorks 1-Jan-2025 7:30 AM 90 Days Srinivas Register
Selenium With JAVA 12-Jan-2025 9:00 AM 50 Days Srini Register
LoadRunner 15-Jan-2025 10:30 AM 50 Days Srinivas Register
Selenium with Python 25-Jan-2025 7:00 AM 3 Months Days Vasu Register

World Class Training Delivered. Everytime.

Trending Courses

Instructor-Led Training Sessions

Virtual Online instructor-led training is delivered in a virtual or simulated environment when instructor and learner are in separate locations. Training is given to teach skills to aspirants either in person or group through lectures, presentations, demonstrations, and discussions.

Expert Trainers

We at LoginIT Academy believe to provide our students the best interactive experience as part of their learning process though Real Time working Professionals.

Flexible Schedule

Online Training times are actually scheduled keeping both students and working professional in mind so that they do not get disturbed with their regular daily routine. The time of batches will be mostly in the morning , evenings and late night. The student can join in a batch which suits his/her time.

e-Learning Sessions

E-learning is a type of learning conducted digitally via electronic media, typically involving the internet. It can be accessed via most electronic devices including a computer, laptop, tablet or Smartphone, making it a versatile and easy way for students to learn wherever they are.

24/7 Support

Staff :- Support staff will help in updating about the upcoming batches and co-ordinate with schedule through E-mail, Telephonic. Also will take care of issues related to training.Trainers :- Trainers here are more friendly to supports to solve the doubts of very learning aspirant.

Real Time Projects

The concepts related to the IT Technologies are taught and explained on Applications , keeping real time work in mind. An access to the application will be given for the practice purpose to get hands on experience.

Welcome to LoginIT Academy
