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Data Science With Python
Module 1. Introduction
Introduction to Data Science
Business Intelligence Vs Data Analysis
Data Analysis Vs Data Scientist
Data Scientist Roles.
Different Disciplines of Data Science
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Deep Learning
Artificial Intelligence
When to use Machine Learning Models and
Deep Learning Models.
Applications of Machine Learning
Why Machine Learning is the Future
what are prerequisites for Data Science.
Python essentials for Data Science
Different Python modules used for Data Science
Installing Python and Anaconda (Mac, Linux & Windows)
Module 2: Data Preprocessing
Why need to preprocess data
Importing the Libraries
Importing the Dataset
Python: overview of Object-oriented
programming: classes & objects
Missing Data
Categorical Data
Splitting the Dataset into the Training set and Test set
Feature Scaling
Data Preprocessing Template!
Module 3: Predictions using Regression
Linear Vs Non-Linear Regression
Types of Linear Regressions
what is slope and intercept.
How to Derive Simple Linear Regression coefficients.
Simple Linear Regression in python
Module 4: Multiple Linear Regression
Business Problem Description
What is the P-Value?
Multiple Linear Regression in Python –
Backward Elimination – Preparation
Multiple Linear Regression in Python –
Automatic Backward Elimination
Module 5: Polynomial Regression Intuition
Polynomial Regression in Python – Step 1
Polynomial Regression in Python – Step 2
Polynomial Regression in Python – Step 3
Polynomial Regression in Python – Step 4
Module 6: Support Vector Regression
How to get the dataset
SVR in Python
Module 7: Decision Tree Regression
Decision Tree Regression Intuition
How to get the dataset
Decision Tree Regression in Python
Module 8: Random Forest Regression
Random Forest Regression Intuition
How to get the dataset
Random Forest Regression in Python
Module 9: Evaluating Regression Models.
R-Squared Intuition
Adjusted R-Squared Intuition
Evaluating Regression Models Performance –
Homework’s Final Part
Interpreting Linear Regression Coefficients
Developing Accuracy testing functions.
Module 10: Classification Algorithms
What is a classification model?
different types of classification models
when to use what type of model
how to measure accuracy of a classification model
Module 11: Logistic Regression
Logistic Regression in Python
Module 12: K-Nearest Neighbors [KNN]
K-Nearest Neighbor Intuition
How to get the dataset
K-NN in Python
Module 13: Support Vector Machine [SVM]
SVM Intuition
How to get the dataset
SVM in Python
Module 14: Kernel SVM
Kernel SVM Intuition
Mapping to a higher dimension
The Kernel Trick
Types of Kernel Functions
How to get the dataset
Kernel SVM in Python
Module 15: Naive Bayes Classifier
Bayes Theorem
Naive Bayes Intuition
Naive Bayes Intuition (Challenge)
Naive Bayes Intuition (Extras)
How to get the dataset
Naive Bayes in Python
Module 16: Decision Tree Classifier
Decision Tree Classification Intuition
Entropy of Target variable
Entropy of Input Variable on Target variable
Information Gain
How to get the dataset
Decision Tree Classification in Python
Module 17: Random Forest Classifier
Random Forest Classification Intuition
how random forest works
How to get the dataset
Random Forest Classification in Python
Module 18: Evaluating classification models
False Positives & False Negatives
Confusion Matrix
Accuracy Paradox
CAP Curve
CAP Curve Analysis
Module 19: Clustering Algorithms
What is a unsupervised learning.
how to use unsupervised for business problems
different Clustering models.
Module 20: K-means Clustering
K-Means Clustering Intuition
K-Means Random Initialization Trap
K-Means Selecting the number of clusters
How to get the dataset
K-Means Clustering in Python
Module 21: Hierarchical Clustering
Hierarchical Clustering Intuition
Hierarchical Clustering How Dendrograms Work
Hierarchical Clustering Using Dendrograms
How to get the dataset
HC in Python
Module 22: Association Rule Mining
what are recommendation systems
types of recommendation systems
different ARM algorithms.
how ARM used for recommendations.
Module 23: Apriori algorithm [one of arm]
Apriori Intuition
How to get the dataset
Apriori in Python
Module 24: FP-Growth algorithm [ARM]
FPGrowth Intuition
problems with other ARM model.
How to construct Growing tree.
How to get the dataset
FPGrowth in Python
Module 25: Reinforcement Learning
What is Reinforcement Learning
Models used in Reinforcement Learning
Module 26: Upper Confidence Bound [ part of Reinforcement Learning]
The Multi-Armed Bandit Problem
Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) Intuition
How to get the dataset
Upper Confidence Bound in Python
Module 27: Thompson Sampling [part of Reinforcement Learning]
Thompson Sampling Intuition
Algorithm Comparison: UCB vs Thompson Sampling
How to get the dataset
Thompson Sampling in Python
Module 28: Natural Language Processing
what is nlp and its importance.
what we can do with nlp
Introduction to spam engines .
Introduction to sentiment analyzers.
word tokenization
sentence tokenization
parts of speech tagging
removing stop words
building word clouds
feature extraction techniques and importance
Word Existence feature
Word proportion feature.
TFIDF feature.
NLP vs Machine Learning
How to get the dataset
Natural Language Processing in Python
Homework Challenge
Module 29: Deep Learning
problems of Machine Learning Models.
Neural Networks
How gradient descent algorithm works.
what are Deep Neural Networks.
Module 30: Artificial Neural Networks [as part of Deep Learning]
The Neuron
The Activation Function
How do Neural Networks work?
How do Neural Networks learn?
Gradient Descent
Stochastic Gradient Descent
Back propagation
How to get the dataset
Business Problem Description
ANN in Python
Module 31: Convolutional Neural Networks [as part of Deep Learning]
What are convolutional neural networks?
Softmax & Cross-Entropy
How to get the dataset
CNN in Python
Module 32: Reducing Dimensionality
what is a dimension.
why we should reduce dimensionality.
different techniques to reduce
Module 33: Principal Compound Analysis
PCA in Python
Module 34: Linear Discriminate Analysis
How to get the dataset
LDA in Python
Module 35: Kernal PCA
How to get the dataset
Kernel PCA in Python
Module 36: Model Selection and Boosting
How to select a model
deferent techniques to select a model
Module 37: Model Selection
How to get the dataset
k-Fold Cross Validation in Python
Grid Search in Python
Module 38: XGBoost
how to get the dataset
XGBoost in Pythoni
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